Coach/Bench Staff Requirements
For U7/U9 – Coach 1 Clinic Is Required
There is a Coach1/Coach2 prerequisite that needs to be completed prior to signing up for the Coach 1 clinic. When registering for the coach 1 clinic, set the category to ‘coach’ and from the qualification drop down menu choose or type *COACH 1 – INTRO TO COACH and then all the dates and times that are available will populate. All coaches also require Respect in Sport activity leader, CATT and a criminal record check.
For U11 To U18 Recreation – Coach 2 Is Required
If you have not done coach 1 clinic, then you will need to complete the coach1/coach2 prerequisite prior to taking the coach 2 clinic. When registering for coach 2, set the category to ‘coach’ and from the qualification drop down menu choose or type *COACH 2 – COACH LEVEL - -
This clinic has a post task workbook. Completed workbooks are to be sent to Quintin Laing
*Note: Head coaches of these divisions also require the checking component. The link to this module is provided in the information when registering for the coach 2 clinic. All head and assistant coaches also require Respect in Sport Activity leader, CATT and a criminal record check.
For U13 To U18 Rep – Development 1 Is Required
There are two portions to this clinic and multiple post task items.
For part one set the category to ‘coach’ and from the qualification drop down menu, choose or type DEVELOPMENT 1--
Part 2 is an in person/on ice portion of the clinic, to register set the category to ‘coach’ and set the session format to ‘in person’ and locations and dates will populate. You must complete part one before you can register for the part 2 in person portion.
Post task requirements include; a field evaluation, a written assignment and MED (making ethical decisions). Post task must be complete to receive certification. Other courses required are Respect in Sport activity leader, CATT and a criminal record check. Head coach also requires the checking component course.
Safety Person
Requires 1. Respect in Sport activity leader, 2. Online safety (HCSP), 3. CATT, and 4. Criminal record check
Requires 1. Respect in Sport Activity leader, 2. CATT, and 3. Criminal record check
On Ice Volunteer
Requires 1. Respect in Sport Activity leader, 2. Criminal record check. On ice volunteers are strictly to help with equipment (pucks, cones, etc.) at practices.